The State of Marriage

Where did marriage go? When did it become MUNDANE?

Why are we exchanging LOVE as if it is somehow become something we could not dream on anymore?

All around, we say, "it is no longer serving," "it has become so boring," "it wasn't like this before."

All around, we ask, "why is this not working?" "why are they so boring?" "where has our life before gone?"

Outside, we shout, "do what is best for you!" "change your situation!" or this becomes your forever.

Isn't that what LOVE is? Forever?

When did MUNDANE and LOVE become opposites? What if, instead, LOVE is supposed to be MUNDANE?

What if marriage is supposed to be made up of vacations only to visit family, car rides to go get gas, and coffee runs to talk about the upcoming schedule of events?

What if marriage is supposed to be changing with the situation and not changing the situation? What if marriage is about the "us"?

What if marriage is a new life, a MUNDANE life, as MUNDANE as a lit candle?

What if marriage is about remembering the before and holding that for the other? What if marriage is seeing the boring and letting that excite us? What if marriage is not supposed to serve us but compel us to serve more?

I dreamed of LOVE my whole life; of a marriage and a LOVE that burned brighter when life became MUNDANE. I dreamed of a marriage that made light out of every circumstance. I dreamed of a LOVE that was so unbreakable that even I could not bring it down.

And I have found … that LOVE is exactly what I dreamed.

LOVE is forever. LOVE does not serve me, I serve it. It compels me to see the MUNDANE, boring moments as adventures. LOVE is nothing like it was before; it is deeper and stronger.

LOVE does not "work" nor does it steal away my past life; it is the essence of life. LOVE is not boring when I see him because I see myself in him too.

LOVE is what is best for me, of course, it has to be. Because what is best for me is deepening and strengthening my capacity to see LOVE, so much so that even I cannot tear it down. Because LOVE is forever.

Maybe we do need to change our situation; maybe we need to start remembering that the LOVE we cultivate in marriage exists only in the MUNDANE. 




The Journey, not the Destination