I love, WATER
Symbolism regarding WATER is expansive between cultures, time periods, and spiritual disciplines. WATER is often life itself but is also the elements that make up life. We, as people, recognize our need for WATER on the daily. Our earth recognizes its need for WATER as it craves any taste in the spring so that the world around us may come to life again. WATER makes up most of the human body, is absorbed and excreted by the body, and it is what makes a thing become a living thing. WATER is also cyclical. It is absorbed up, used, and given back within living organisms and within the world. WATER is essential.
I do not think it a coincidence that as necessary as LOVE is to the human existence, WATER is the same. As much as the human soul craves LOVE so does the human body crave WATER.
Here, we are going to discuss all things WATER that help us live so that we can LOVE. This may be the most intangible discussion yet, but it is still very important. Because how we fill our bodies, how we absorb WATER, determines how we can give LOVE. If I do not drink WATER, eventually I would not be able to speak to PEOPLE. If I do not take a swim in the summer, I would not be able to enjoy the MUNDANE moments that make a summer memorable. If I do not move my body daily and sweat, eventually my body hoards and becomes plump with so much to share it eventually inhibits my ability to give all together. We need to participate in the cycle of WATER so that we can join the cycle of LOVE.
WATER. LOVE. It is almost as if the Divine of this world gave us a tangible element to understand its intangible counterpart.
Do the similarities between WATER and LOVE strike you?
The Divine as WATER
If the Divine is WATER would that not mean that every natural place is holy? That every thunderstorm is a church without walls? That when the rain falls its an act of the Divine's death giving life and when it evaporates again it is the day of resurrection?
Walking in the Rain
In fact, it might even be what they deserve. So in a moment of decision, they drop their umbrella and let the rain fall over their face. They get pelted with WATER. They close their eyes. And they laugh.
Sweat and Friends
Because really, what is LOVE but just a collection of dreams and desires we work hard to achieve?
Ice Packs and Other Fluids
So I see you, you who hopes to feel better and you who hopes to move again and you who hopes the crisis is nearing an end. You are the ones that give us hope that one day joy will abound to new depths. Thank you for the LOVE you share with the world as you sit in pain; because only LOVE endures pain so that joy can come.
The Way of WATER
This is not unlike many other spiritual practices. Something about WATER teaches us, guides us, binds us to LOVE. These words just struck me.
It Doesn't Hurt You to Take a Sick Day
It is interesting to me that WATER in the body can signal good or bad, but it is up to us to determine where LOVE is once we notice the WATER. LOVE can be letting the WATER flow, like tears releasing built up emotions; or LOVE can be taking a sick day so that the WATER droplets don't turn into a flow.
Not Crying is Not an Accomplishment
Somehow those tears invite others to LOVE with us, for us, and next to us, binding us a little closer together.
Let’s start with WATER
If I start the day with WATER, I can clear out toxins and look radiant to other people. If I start the day with WATER, I can prepare myself to absorb energy so that I can take on the day. If I start my day with WATER, I can have enough energy to be present throughout my whole day. Starting the day off with WATER is starting your day off with LOVE because you are radiant to others and have energy to be present all day long.