I love, PEOPLE
PEOPLE. The person is the most common conduit of LOVE. The person gives LOVE, receives LOVE, and participates in the flow of LOVE. What better than to discuss PEOPLE?
On its face, this may seem like a travel blog. Mind you, I love travel blogs! Travel bloggers have lead me to some of the best experiences, food, drinks, and PEOPLE in my years on this earth. So yes, we will travel here. But with LOVE, first, and through PEOPLE, second.
Wherever you go, it is tempting to feel out of place, like you do not belong; or to feel disconnected, like you're a third party on-looker who can critique. But rarely are we able to travel and see, truly see, the PEOPLE that create the flow of LOVE that carried us to the location in the first place. So here, you will find LOVE in the form of PEOPLE as we watch those humans in closest physical proximity to us create LOVE so that we may enjoy a meal, a coffee, or a place more.
Don't you see it?

Sunrise Coffee
Almost as if the baristas were wishing each to have a lovely day while answering their simple question.