What is LOVE?

One of the most difficult things to do in this life is to see LOVE in PEOPLE. Often, PEOPLE are the ones that remind us of a lacking of LOVE and not an abundance. But the most difficult person to see LOVE in, is often ourselves. This is the most difficult person for me.

The holidays are a time of joy, excitement, stress, hustle, magic, and deep pain. There are so many things we are rushing towards and balancing in our everyday life. I often find that when I do have a little bit of breathing room, I still rush and balance almost as if I am caught up in a current.

But I wanted this holiday to be different; I wanted to see how much LOVE I could observe in myself. So I set up a plan: three things that will make me slow down and see LOVE. These three things are different for everyone, but they have to be three things that force you to look up and look around. 

Whatever they are, do them during the holidays and see where LOVE shows up in you. Is it in the song you hum with the world around you? Is it in the gentle stretch you embrace when you wake up?

Where is LOVE flowing in you?


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